Green Politics

The power of "Muddling Through"

January 17, 2020
Reading time: 2 minutes

In theory, the "well-meaning dictator" is the best of all organisational forms. As an omnipotent ruler, he exclusively pursues the goal of maximising the benefits for his subordinates without any self-interest. This construct, however, really only works in theory.


In practice - and this may be hard to believe - a completely different approach has emerged as the best of all possible ones: "muddling through". This so-called term in organisational theory  and method of management, abandons central planning and decision-making. Results are instead achieved through reciprocal, interdependent coordination processes among all the players involved. The big advantage is that challenges can be solved step by step and much more flexibly, and there is always time for error analysis and reorientation throughout the process.


With this information in mind, I am very excited about the period of our first turquoise-green government that is starting now. In any case, the coalition agreement gives hope for a rosy future of "muddling through" in political reality and at the highest level of government: Individual areas such as climate protection, migration or internal security will be placed under the responsibility of one of the partners, who may and must seek majorities for their plans. Even outside the coalition. The German business journalist Gabor Steingart recently gave high praise to the agreement in his "Morning Briefing": "The Greens can be green and the Blacks can be black, without the other one constantly gasping for breath." I see it very similarly and am already looking forward to broad discussions on socially relevant topics, in parliament as well as in the media and at the regulars' table. In the best case this will lead to a targeted exchange of ideas and thoughts, a better common understanding and, above all, a comprehensive acceptance of decisions once they have been made. This would be worth its weight in gold for democracy and coexistence in Austria! After all, we now know enough about where backroom politics and undiplomatic, consultation-resistant "Trumpinocchios" lead us.